Handy Hints (31) – Altering Parenting Orders
1 November 2021
OSD Presents…Handy Hints (31)
You may find a situation where you and your former partner wish to alter your parenting orders.
This can either be done by filing an application for Consent Orders setting out the new agreed terms or, if it is just a minor change or you only want to alter the Orders for a period of time, you can make the change in a parenting plan.
A parenting plan is a written document that sets out an agreement between parents and is signed and dated.
You do not need legal advice before signing a parenting plan, although we of course recommend it.
We’re Here to Help
Family law matters can be difficult and complex. If you require any assistance with a family law dispute, always contact a legal practitioner who will be able to help.
O’Sullivan Davies has practitioners experienced in dealing with all family law issues. More information about our services can be found at our About Us page here.
This article is not legal advice and the views and comments are of a general nature only. This article is not to be relied upon in substitution for detailed legal advice.
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