Handy Hints (22) – 10 reasons you can request to alter the Child Support Assessment
16 October 2021
OSD Presents…Handy Hint (22)
An administrative child support assessment can be altered by the Registrar to take into account particular special circumstances.
There are 10 reasons the Registrar can consider and a request to change must be for at least one of those reasons.
The reasons contemplate circumstances in which the child support assessment amount is inadequate or unfair because:
1. a child has special needs (and the costs of raising that child are higher as a result);
2. a party’s taxable income is not an accurate reflection of their true financial position (for example, if a parent owns their own business and income is minimized); and
3. a child is attending a private school and both parents agreed to that course.
There are 10 reasons in total, and supporting documentation must be provided.
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